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Political Crisis In Bolivia Military Accused Of Coup Attempt

Political Crisis in Bolivia: Military Accused of Coup Attempt

Prelude to the Crisis

On November 10, 2019, Bolivia was plunged into a political crisis following disputed general elections that sparked 21 days of civil unrest.

Military Intervention

On June 26, 2024, members of the Bolivian military gathered outside the presidential palace, igniting concerns of a coup attempt.

Confrontation at the Palace

Armored vehicles were deployed to ram the doors of the government palace as tensions escalated between the military and the government.

President Arce's Response

President Luis Arce released a video message condemning the military's actions and vowing to resist any attempt to overthrow his government.

Ongoing Situation

As of the latest updates, the situation in Bolivia remains fluid. President Arce is urging calm and calling for dialogue to resolve the crisis.
